Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
Aditya Kumar, aged 52, works as a Pharmacist in Government Hospital, Lakhimpur Kheri U.P.lost his vision, faced challenges in continuing his job due to his visual impairment. Fearing the necessity of retirement, he sought support from Eyeway, believing that transitioning to another job at his age would be daunting. Mrs. Manjula Mahajan from Eyeway initially encountered reluctance from the medical superintendent when she spoke to him on phone after Aditya’s request. She sensitized the CMO and explained the RPWD act in detail so that he could take adequate measures in empowering Aditya Kumar. The CMO directed the Medical superintendent and recent development saw the superintendent contacting Aditya Kumar to offer computer training and a job tailored to his qualifications and capabilities. Expressing his gratitude, Aditya Kumar called Eyeway counselor to thank them for their support, recognizing their role in uplifting and empowering him. This transformative experience not only changed his perspective but also instilled confidence in him. He now sees this as an opportunity to harness his full potential in his newly assigned role.